Prawdziwe mistrzostwo!. Gaweł i Mateusz- absolwenci OMEGI teraz uczą nas - młodszych kolegów jak pokonać tremę i nagrac coś fajnego dla dzieciaków, które nie widzą. Posłuchajcie jak brzmi Lampa Alladyna w Ich wykonaniu.
Chłopcy dobrze się bawili podczas nagrania. :-)
“LAMPA ALADYNA” (“Aladdin”)- a Middle-Eastern folk tale: one of the tales in The Book of One Thousand and One Nights (“The Arabian Nights”)
* The story is about the young ne’er-do-well who will
become rich in a very unexpected and mysterious way, with the help of an old,
oil lamp.
* Read by GAWEŁ JAKIMIAK and MATEUSZ LUBINA (16 yrs), Graduates from The Secondary School ‘OMEGA” STE in Katowice. Currently: The Students of Adam Mickiewicz General High School nr 3 in Katowice, POLAND
* Sound mastering - Tomasz Rotko
Publisher: AGORA SA, Warszawa 2005
* Read by GAWEŁ JAKIMIAK and MATEUSZ LUBINA (16 yrs), Graduates from The Secondary School ‘OMEGA” STE in Katowice. Currently: The Students of Adam Mickiewicz General High School nr 3 in Katowice, POLAND
* Sound mastering - Tomasz Rotko
Publisher: AGORA SA, Warszawa 2005
ISBN: 83-60225-09-5
Language: Polish
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